Jessica Simpson knows the sex of her child!

But don't get too excited, shes not giving the information up yet.

Jessica Simpson famously kept very tight-lipped about being preggers. To the point of ridiculous. In the beginning we were all like, yeah, maybe you just scoffed a mammoth dinner. But even after going back for thirds there is no way we could maintain a food baby like Jesss. So in November the singer finally admitted she was pregnant. Speaking to The Insider, Jess told the world she was having major cravings forfruit. Boooooring. Wheres the pickled gherkins covered in ice cream stories, huh? Ages of waiting for pregnancy goss and we get that? We felt swizzled.

Now Jessica is teasing us again by telling us that, yes she knows the sex of her baby, and no she isnt going to tell us. Spoil sport!

Though she didnt say outright she knew whether she was having a boy or girl (well, this is lips-zipped-Simpson, were talking about here!), she did say this

"I like to plan things out. Itll be good to know what colors to make the nursery. I'm obsessed with thinking about what it's going to look like".

Thats basically admitting she totally knows, right?

Whilst chatting at the launch of her latest fashion collection, Jessica said, Knowing that [Eric] and I created something inside of me is so crazy to think about. We love each other so much, and knowing that I love this baby inside of me is so amazing".

After launching countless successful fashion and beauty lines, Jessica has decided to join forces with her sister, Ashlee, to create a maternity collection. As both have been pregnant were sure to see something pretty fantastic when the collection hits the shops in December next year.
